New Beginnings
It’s nearly the first of the year and the perfect time for new beginnings, but if you’re like me, the wintertime often brings an unwelcome writing slump. With the past year being a rolling coaster of exciting news (a short story published in a new publication, readying a manuscript for submission, a few full manuscript requests), I also wrote myself into an incendiary burnout by year’s end. In early November, right after the loss of my grandfather who was the rock on the maternal side of our family, the dream I thought might be just within my reach began to drift away. Two of the agents who’d requested the full manuscript reached back out…
Library Apps, Creepy Notebooks, and Epiphanies about Writing
In addition to sharing my work here, I’ve also been writing for WOW! Women on Writing for many years. I blog for them about once a month, and thought I’d share some of my recent blog posts, where I share the app I can’t live without, my true crime journal, and how my writing style has evolved over the years. Enjoy! Why I Love the Libby App Excerpt: Through the Libby app I’ve been able to request and read books, magazines, and audiobooks, all for free! What’s even better is that I can “send” books directly to my Kindle for easier reading. I manage all my loans in the app, and if I…
Year-End Review of My Writing, Podcasting, and Freelance Projects
Every year I try to take an inventory of my writing productivity and progress. It helps me stay motivated in reaching my writing goals and gives me ideas for future content. This past year has seen me writing daily, whether I’m working on copy, podcast scripts, book reviews, or revisions on my suspense/thriller novel. Yesterday I sat down and crunched some numbers to see what I accomplished in 2023, and I was pleasantly surprised by the results. Here’s a look at what I worked on this past year: For my true crime podcast, Missing in the Carolinas: I made the decision this fall to go from a bi-weekly production schedule to a weekly…
Find Your Voice This Fall
The month of October is always fun, as we break out our fall layers, toast s’mores, carve pumpkins, and figure out if we’re going to partake in the Halloween fun or simply hand out the candy. While you’re contemplating the perfect costume, why not consider trying out a new voice with your writing?I’ve always been a huge fan of the TV show Unsolved Mysteries. From the opening notes of the foreboding theme song to the unmistakable sound of host Robert Stack’s voice saying, “Perhaps, YOU can help solve a mystery . . .” I swear chills went up my spine at the beginning of each episode. I thought about his voice when creating the…
Confessions of a “Free Spirit” Writer
Financial expert Dave Ramsey has a philosophy that people have different personality types when it comes to managing money. “Nerds” are the ones who like creating a financial budget, sticking to it, and keeping a close eye on the finances because it gives them a sense of security. “Free spirits” don’t like to be constrained by the budget and have more of a “I want to live life to the fullest—we’ll figure out how to make more money!” attitude. In our house, my husband is definitely the nerd most of the time with our finances and I’m more the free spirit. He’s always had a practical approach to money although he does have…
Review of Save the Cat! Cracking the Beat Sheet Online Class
When WOW! Women on Writing asked me if I’d like to review the Save the Cat! “Cracking the Beat Sheet” online course I jumped at the chance. I have several novels in need of revision and thought a more structured program might give me the help I’ve been needing, plus I have a copy of Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody and it’s one of my most treasured writing tools. See below for more information on the course and my review. First, what is Save the Cat!®? Save the Cat! provides writers the resources they need to develop their screenplays and novels based on a series of best-selling books, primarily…
Classic Memories
You never forget your first car. I know I will always remember mine—and for several reasons. First, I look back at that time in my life and realize I had no clue how much cars and insurance cost and how blessed I was to even have one on the day I turned 16. I didn’t work and save up money so that I could purchase my own car, I expected my parents (who both worked hard but did not have the funds to purchase their only child a brand-new car) to provide me with one. Looking back, I realize that was pretty presumptuous of me. Instead, my stepfather purchased a used car for…
How I Started a Podcast
This article appears this month in the June 2020 issue of Lake Norman CURRENTS. It was while interviewing Davidson resident Stacey Simms about her Diabetes Connections podcast for CURRENTS several years ago that I first learned about podcasts. For anyone unfamiliar, a podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. There are now more than 800,000 active podcasts available worldwide, if that tells you anything about their popularity. When a friend started telling me about some true crime podcasts a few years ago, I started wading my way into the podcast waters. I loved studying the different formats,…
Quarantine Life
It’s been a strange past month with the shelter-at-home orders here in North Carolina thanks to the spread of COVID-19. We are a fortunate household to have one adult who has been able to transition to working from home completely, and another (me) who works as a contract employee for a magazine, and I’ve also been able to keep generating income through my clients. We are blessed, because we know others who have had to temporarily close their family businesses. I feel for my kids. They miss their friends, their IRL contact, driving back and forth together to school, and randomly stopping by Dunkin’ Donuts for iced coffees and donut holes. We miss…
My Top Five True Crime Posts
Round-ups are some of my favorite posts to read, and hopefully this one will be no exception. In this post, I’ve gathered up my top five posts all about true crime–whether it’s discussing theories behind the addiction to missing people or specific cases that have stuck with me over the years. Situational awareness. A glimpse into the dark side of humanity. The adrenaline rush. In this post, I take a deep dive into Three Reasons Female Writers are Addicted to True Crime. The Case of Mike Williams. This story out of Florida intrigued me from the moment I learned about it, from the shifty wife to the “best friend” who sold him a…